Home  Park & Ride lots

Park & Ride Lots

Whether you carpool, vanpool, ride the bus or bike to work, there are numerous Park and Ride Lots that can make your commute easier and help save you money.


What are the Park & Ride lots?

Park & Ride lots are centralized meeting places for use by commuters to park vehicles while participating in carpools or vanpools or using transit services.

How much does it cost to park at the Park & Ride lots?
Nothing--there are no parking fees at the Park & Ride lots!

Where are the Park & Ride lots located?
Park & Ride lots are located throughout the state. Click here to find out where they are located. Once the map appears click the green location icon for more detailed information.

Can I park my car overnight at Park & Ride lots?

How long can I leave my car at Park & Ride lots?
You can leave your car for a reasonable amount of time, please contact the Rideshare Coordinator for more details. Please note that some lots are shared facilities with businesses that own or lease the property, thus we ask that you be respectful of their property.

For more information please e-mail: gallagherk@swmpc.org or contact via phone: 269-925-1137 x 1518.


This page last updated on 3/2/2023.

Park and Ride Carpooling Lot Locations