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Niles Dial a Ride Governance & Funding


Niles Dial-A-RideTransit (DART) is organized under Public Act 279 of 1909 and is overseen by eight members who are elected at large and serve on the Niles City Council. Regular meetings are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in City Council Chambers.

Location of the Council Meetings

Regular meetings are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in City Council Chambers which is located within the Niles Fire Station Complex at 1345 E. Main Street. There is no public transportation available to meeting location.  Directions to city council meetings

Public Participation at Meetings

The city council has created rules to facilitate the conduct of public meetings in an open and orderly manner and in an environment safe for all persons in attendance.  Items for Council consideration are submitted to the City Administrator by 12:00 pm on the Monday prior to a regularly scheduled 2nd or 4th Monday Council meeting.


2017 Proposed Budget

2016 Budget      2015 Budget
2014 Budget      2013 Budget


The Audited Financial Report was prepared in accordance with Governmental Auditing Standards.  The Report includes the Management's Discussion and Analysis, the Statement of Net Assets, the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets, the Statement of Cash Flows and the Notes to Financial Statements can be found beginning on page 95 in the 2010 report.

State of Michigan Annual Audit Reports Year
2010 2011 2012 2013

Studies and Planning Documents

Niles Dial a Ride Transportation Development Plan: 2013

This document is the final report describing the comprehensive analysis of Niles Dial‐A‐Ride Transportation (DART) service and operations.