Van Buren Public Transit Services

Demand-Response Service (Dial-A-Ride)

Van Buren Public Transit provides curb to curb services anywhere within Van Buren County. Van Buren's service area is divided into four zones.  For those who wish to travel outside of the Dial-A-Ride Service Area, it is important to give at least a 24-Hour notice prior to your ride. Pick-up times subject to availability. All riders must call 24 hrs in advance. Reservations can only be accepted for trips that are within the boundaries of Van Buren County. Van Buren Public Transit also provides dial a ride services in South Haven and Paw Paw

Flex Route Service

Van Buren Public Transit provides flex route service which is a shared ride, public transportation service that follows a defined route, picking up and dropping off passengers at designated stops. The bus will also "flex" or deviate off its route.

Following is a list of communities Van Buren Public Transit serves:

Bangor, Gobles, Hartford, South Haven 
Bloomingdale, Breedsville, Decatur, Lawrence, Lawton, Mattawan, and Paw Paw
Almena, Antwerp, Arlington, Bangor, Bloomingdale, Columbia, Covert, Decatur, Geneva, Hamilton, Hartford, Keeler, Lawrence, Paw Paw, Pine Grove, Porter, South Haven Charter, and Waverly

Phone: 269-427-7921

This page last updated on 9/27/2019.
Days/Hours of Operation:
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.